JJ Shri Message
સર્વે ર્વૈષ્ણર્વોને ભગર્વદ સ્મરણ
હ ું છું, માર ું છે, મેં કર્ ું. આ ત્રણ બાબત આપણે છોડતાું શીખવ ું જોઈએ. આ ત્રણેય બાબત દ ુઃખી થર્વાના મૂળ કારણો છે કારણકે આપણે તો કોઈ કઇં છીએ જ નહીં, માત્ર ઈશ્વર રચિત સૃષ્ષ્િનાું અંશ છીએ. જે કઇં થાય છે કે નથી થત ું એ બધ ું એમની અને માત્ર એમની કૃપા અને ઈચ્છા પર આધારરત છે એિલે હર્વેથી કઇં સાર ું બને તો પ્રભ કૃપા અને ધાર્ ું ના થાય તો પણ એમની ઈચ્છા એ બોલર્વાની આદત પાડર્વી જોઈએ તેથી ઠાકોરજી પ્રત્યેનો આ ભાર્વ દ્રઢ બને.
ર્વલ્લભાધીશ કી જય
Vasant usually falls in the month of Vaishakh, as per Vraj calendar (at the time of Mesh Sankranti) but the Vasant Panchami Utsav is celebrated in this month of “Magh” (Feb 16, 2021). Officially Vasant Rutu starts on April 13, 2021. This is because “Kamdev” was burnt to ashes by Shivji, who then was reborn as “Pradyumna“ on this day i.e., Magh / Maha Sud Pancham (Vasant Panchami). Thus, Vasant Panchami is the appearance day of Pradyuman-ji (Son of Krishna and Rukminiji). Similarly, this day is Pragatya din of Maa Saraswati. From Vasant Panchami (official beginning of spring), till Falgun Purnima (Holi), Havelis celebrate the colorful aspects of the Vasant Utsav (spring festival). Vasant Panchami marks the beginning of this season of “khel” festivities (Khel Utsav). Originally, this was also celebrated as “Madan Panchami”, dedicated to the God of Love. It is also known as “Shree Panchami”.
40 days of “Khel” are split into 4 equal segments of 10 days. Each 10-day segment is presided by different “Yuth” of Swaminiji. Four groups of Swaminiji are based on the Aloukik (divine) attributes. Radhikaji / Nitya-siddha as Tamasi Bhav, Chandravaliji as Rajas bhav, Kumarikaji / Lalitaji as Satvik bhav and, Yamunaji as Nirgun Bhav.
For these 40 days, Mukhiyaji places a cloth to cover the feet of Thakorji during Khel. Bhav behind this ritual is that the Darshan of Thakorji’s Charnarvind induces Dasya Bhav in the Jeev. While during Vraj Leela, Gop – Gopika had experienced Leela Bhav as Sakha – Sakhi (Sakhya Bhav) and as Manini – Swamini (Madhurya Bhav).
Thus, during these Khel Utsav, Pushti Jeev need to cultivate such Sakhya or Madhurya Bhav. Hence these 40 days of Holi khel are in Pushti Seva Marg organized in a systematic sequence to guide Pushti Jeev to acquire “Sakhya Bhav”.
The precise nature of Bhagwad seva, Hariraiji has beautifully explained the BHAV behind these 40 days of Khel Utsav according to the principles of RAS. A simple explanation of the word “RAS” shown as “The one which gives Anand”. Each Ras has a Sthayi bhav. For example, the full development of the Bhav of Rati (Love), concludes in Shringar Ras. Thus, Shringar is the Ras and Rati (Love) is the Sthayi bhav. Each Bhav has Vi-bhavs including for Sthayi Bhav. Vi-bhav means the cause of the Bhav. These vibhavs are classified into Uddipan Vibhav and Alamban Vibhav. Uddipan basically means the factors due to which the Bhav is generated, e.g., beautiful surroundings, season, physical features, attire etc. While lamban is what the factors of Uddipan affect, e.g., the persons involved. Hence Shringar is Uddipan Vibhav and Thakorji is Alamban Vibhav. Out of the 40 days of this Khel Utsav, the first ten are for the Uddipan Vibhav and the rest are for the Alamban Vibhav. The Khel of Vasant Panchami creates the Ras. First 10 days are the Uddipan phase and are enjoyed by the Sato Guni bhakts. This followed by Rajo, then Tamo and finally when all the guns have been neutralized, the last 10 days for the Nirgun: the days of the heaviest khel. Vasant Khel is done for first 10 days and the Hori Khel is for 1 month. Since Vasant Khel is of 10 different Bhavs, thus each segment is done for 10 days during these 40 days. First 10 days are called as Vasant Khel, next 10 days are called as Dhamaar Khel, the next 10 days then called as Faag Khel while last 10 days are called as Hori Khel. On Vasant Pnachami, nine (9) Darshan of Thakorji are done, with the bhav of Navdha Bhakti. From Vasant Panchami till Holi Danda Ropan, from Mangala to Shayan, all kirtans are sung only in Raag Vasant. Gusaiji’s Ashtapadi i.e., “Vraj Yuvati Satsange Hariri” is sung in Rajbhog Darshan. Holi Dand Aropan occurs exactly on the 10th day of khel (Feb 27, 2021). This signifies the end of the days of Uddipan and since the bhav has taken its root firmly in the hearts of Vraj bhakts and in Thakorji Himself; the Alamban phase starts. A branch of a tree is planted in the ground on the outskirts of the village where the khel is to take place. This is to depict that the Alaukik kaam has firmly taken root in Vraj. Kirtans in Dhamaar are now sung. From Holi Danda Ropan till Shrinathji’s Patotsav, Dhamaar starts and Nitya Raags like Bilaval, Dhanashri, Aasavari, and Todi raags are sung for Dhamaar pads during Shringar and Rajbhog. During sandhya aarti, the pads of Dhamaar in raag Gauri in Dhamaar Taal is sung especially. Major Utsav falls during this Khel Utsav includes Vasant Panchami (Maha Sud 5 – First day), Holi Dand Aropan (Maha Sud 15 – Tenth day), Shrinathji Patotsav (Fagun Vad 7 – 17th day i.e., 7 day after Holi Dand Aropan), Kunj Ekadashi (Fagun Sud 11 – 36th Day), Holika Dahan (Fagun Sud 15 – 40th Day), Dol Utsav (Chaitra Vad 1 – 41st Day), Dwitiya Patotsav (Chaitra Vad 2 – 42nd Day).
Seva Shringar Shibir Part-8: Jan 17, 2021
With the blessing of JJ Shri, another seva Shringar Shibir was conducted by Mayurbhai from Nairobi and the Shibir was on How to make Paag.
Paag: 1. Gol Paag
Mayurbhai showed the technique of making a Gol Paag by using a cotton ball with a cotton thread and malmal or fine cotton cloth so we can make flat paag which can be used for Mangala. Most important part of making Golpaag is to cover cotton ball with cotton malmal strip, by wrapping around the cotton ball, very neatly and tightly in one direction and then press between palms to make it flat.
2. sadi Paag: Sadi paag is “u” shape and to make this paag, can take cotton roll on hard surface to make it very tight and stiff or can use cotton batti used for aarti. Cover with cotton malmal piece and roll together to look like stick. Just band in “U “ shape and wrap cotton strip tightly side by side or in opposite direction and finally press between your palms.
Shibir was blessed by JJ Shri and explained the importance of learning the right technique so we can do better Shringar to Thakorji.
Next Shibir will be held on Sunday, February 14th at 11:30 AM, so do join on Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83273101452 Passcode: 14.
શ્રીજીની સામગ્રી
અમૃત શશરોમણી
સામગ્રી: તુવેર ની દાળ(Split Pigeon Peas) ૧૦૦ GM , માવો(Milk cake) ૫૦ GM , તજ(Cinnamon), લવવિંગ(Cloves), જાયફળ(Nutmeg), જાવંત્રી(Mace), પીપર, પીપરીમૂળ(Ganthoda), અને સૂંઠ(Dried Ginger) દરેક તેજાના પાંચ GM , ખાંડ(Sugar) ૪૦૦ GM , ઘી ૨૦૦ GM , સોનાના વરખ.
રીત: તુવેરની દાળને પલાળી , બારીક વાટવી પછી ઘીમાં શેકવી. બધા તેજાના ભુકા પધરાવવા. માવો પણ સેકીને પધરાવવો. બધું મીક્સ કરવું. ખાંડની ચાસણી મોહનઠાર જેવી કરીને તેમાં બધું વમશ્રણ પધરાવી, હલાવી, ઠંડુ થાય પછી તેના ગોળ નંગ વાળી લેવા અને એના પર સોનાના વરખ પધરાવી શકાય. ઠંડી થાયે શ્રીપ્રભુને ધરાવવા.
Vallabhadhish ki Jai.
Jai Shri Krishna to everyone reading this Newsletetr and supporting the cause of Vaishnav unity which has been the vision of our founder and inspirer P.P.108 Shri Dwarkeshlalji Mahodayshri from the time establising the Vaishnav Sangh of USA. To make this foundation successful we really appreciate support from each and every one of you and truly everyone is offering seva by tan-man-dhan. We have lot more to accomplish moving forward with the announcement of academy center planning. We are thankful to all the teachers of various classes being offered online from Balpushti, Kishorpushti, Kirtan and Yog and in near future the National Team will be announced, Gita Gnan, Sodas Granth classes will be also announced.
For to run such an organization at high level, we need more volunteers to help to accomplaish and if anyone is interested please fill out volunteer form online here or can what’s app Amit Shah @7032002945 or email at [email protected]. Please come forward and help us to grow and be part of selfless organization whose sole aim is to pass the true and authentic pushtimarg knowledge to current and future vaishnav.
Let’s join our hands together on this day and support the tremendous effort and hardwork put in by our beloved guru vaishnavacharya Shri Dwasrkeshlalji and show our respect for aapshri by being a VOLUNTEER.
Topic: Seva Shringar Shibir-Part 9
Date: Sunday, February 14th, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83273101452
Meeting ID: 832 7310 1452 Password: 14
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
Topic: JJ Shri Vachnamrut
Date: Sunday, February 28th, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85863331481
Meeting ID: 858 6333 1481 Password: 30
Phone No: (301) 715-8592