JJ Shri Message

This Utsav is also called “Jalebi Utsav”. This Utsav falls on Magshar Vad 9 (for Gujarat or, Posh Vad 9 for Vraj) which is celebrated by Shrinathji HIMSELF – “રસ રુપ જલેબી સસધ્ધ કરો”. This Pragatya Din of Gusaiji (Vitthalnathji), second son of Jagad Guru Vallabh-acharya Mahaprabhuji; which is on December 23, 2020. On the auspicious day of Posh Vad Navmi (for Vraj) in Samvat 1572 (i.e., 1516 AD), Friday; under auspicious Nakshatra “Hast” in “Shobhan Yog” at Charnat i.e., Charnadri near Varansi. This place, Charanat is known as “Adhi-Daivik Vrindavan”. Bhav of Gusaiji’s Pragatya Din as Posh Vad Navmi in 1572 at Charnat is explained as: Posh month signifies that Aap Shri’s Pargatya is to nurture Pushti Bhakt (Pushya Nakshatra) and thus expanded Pushti Seva Prakar Navmi Tithi signifies “Virruddh-Dharm Aashray” with Ram Navmi. Ram Navmi is for Maryada Bhakt while this Navmi is for Pushti Bhakt. Moreover, number nine (9) is a complete i.e., “Akhand” number and thus, it is considered that Aap Shri’s Pragatya as the incarnation of Purn Pushti Purushottam, Thakorji HIMSELF.
The year 1572 signifies as; Number 2 indicates Aap Shri in two swaroops which are, as swaroop of Thakorji and Chandravaliji. Number 7 indicates that Aap Shri established Pushti-Ras in 7 continents i.e., Sapta-Dwip. Number 5 is to indicate that Aap Shri has purified Panch Mahabhut (5 basic elements) of the nature through the Pragatya and, shown to engage all 5 Karmendriya and 5 Gyanendriya in Thakorji’s Seva.
While number 1 is to signify only one goal for all Jeev, that is Thakorji as Purn Brahm. Pragatya place as Charnat indicates that the Pragatya of Prabhu Ram (Hasya Avatar of Pushti Purushottam) is at Ayodhya near Sarayu river, Krishna at Gokul, near Yamunaji and Aap Shri at Charnat, near Gangaji Aap Shri’s name as Vitthalnathji has it’s sandhi as; Vit + Tha + L. “Vit” means Gyan, “Tha” means “Shunya” and, “L” means Prakaasheet. Thus, the actual meaning of Aap Shri’s name is the one who does, “અજ્ઞાનમાાાાંથી જ્ઞાનનો પ્રકાશ કરાવે” Gusaiji is known by various names according to his Leela. Aap Shri is a protector of cows, saadhus; and hence known as “Goswamiji”. Aap Shri’s all Leelas are like Krishna; hence also called “Prabhu-Charan”. Aap Shri pardons sins of all sinners and shows them path to reach Krishna, thus known as “Param Kripalu” In Aap Shri’s childhood, a kram of having food only after completing Paath of Dasam Skandh of Bhagwat which was taking too long hence Mahaprabhuji had created “Trividh Naamavali” granth for Gusaiji to maintain Aap Shri’s Nitya Kram Likewise, Gusaiji has created numerous Granths for Pushti Srushti which includes; many Sevopayogi granths, various stotras, 9 Vigyapti, numerous to describe “Vaad”, various Leela granths, vyakhya granths and many more. Shri Sarvottam Stotra, which is known as the Gayatri of Pushti-Marg, is the first Granth created by Gusaiji. Aap Shri’s contributions to the Grace-Filled Pushti lineage are as important as Shri Vallabh. The expansion of Pushti Bhakti seva marg is implemented by infusing Thakorji’s seva with Raag, Bhog, Shringar and various Sajavat. This Seva pranalika is the one that we observe today in Haveli as well as, for all Pushti Vaishnavs in their respective Gruh-Seva In summary, Gusaiji has predominantly established following in Pushti Marg Ashtayam Seva Pranalika and Seva Prakar Ashta Nidhi swaroop including Aap Shris’ own Sevya swaroop Navneet Priyaji Ashta Chhap including Aap Shri’s 4 Ashta Sakha (Govind Swamiji, Chhit Swamiji, Chaturbhuj Dasji and Nand Dasji). This includes establishment of Ashta Chhap Kirtan Mandal for the Kirtans of Shrinathji There are 28 Baithakji of Gusaiji, out of which 7 Baithakji are in Gujarat while around 15 Baithakji are at or around Mathura. Aap Shri had 252 main disciples. Aap Shri stayed on Bhutal for 70 years to perform uncountable vividh Leela. In V.S. 1642, Gusaiji entered in Nikunj at the Mukharvind of Girirajji along with Govind Swamiji, to merge in the swaroop of Shrinathji. “Naam Ratanakhyan Stotra” granth created by Raghunathji, Aap Shri’s fifth son; that describes 108 Adhi-Daivik Leela swaroop names of Gusaiji.
Seva Shringar Shibir Part-6: Nov. 8th , 2020
Lalan Sayaji (bed) & Lalan Abhyang (bath)
Most important is Thakorji’s Tatsukh for any seva or kriya.
For Thakorji Sayaji-All material should be white mulmul (cotton) and Toran Spread (lotus hand painted called Sujni). Tie four corners of sayaji which is called Keri java. Anytime pick up thakorji lift with Gomukhi hand mudra. Lay down thakorji on sayaji with his raised hand up & place 3 round pillows and cover thakorji with cotton vastra from head to toe.
Abhyang(bath) is done on every big utsav and is done with the mixture of amla powder(goose berries) & sandalwood powder. Powder should be smooth and soft. Abhyang should be done every 15 days to avoid green molds and use lukewarm water for abhyang. All ornaments and lagav should be removed before abhyang. To keep lagav soft, keep in hot water, so can reuse easily.
This and all the Seva Shringar Shibir, as well as all the vachnamrut, can be accessed by subscribing to Vaishnav Sangh of USA you-tube channel and now also available here.
Yamumaji 41 Pad Gungaan Manorath

With the blessings and in the prescene of Vaishvanacharya Shri Dwarkeshlalji Mahodayshri, Yamunaji 41 pad Gungaan manorath was celbrated on Nov 28th, 2020 with Kirtankar Raseshbhai and Madhviben Shah, was truly a memorable experience for all the participant attended the event, VSUSA would like to thank sponsorer for the manorath, Raj & Pragna Shah (Raleigh, NC). Raseshbhai and Madhaviben recited Yamunaji 41 pad in many different kirtan raag and with the short explanation, Yamunaji 41 pad Gungaan was watched by over 500+ vaishnav and really blessed by JJ shri for giving his blessing on this occasion.
This website will be live as of Dec 6th, 2020, and would like to thank all the IT Vaishnav volunteers, especially, Sahil Patel, FL, Jayman Shah, NC, Ripalbhai, NC, and other volunteers for working hard to create the website. Everyone is encouraged to join the mailing list and subscribe to Facebook, you-tube channel, and the what’s app group to get the updated information about Vaishnav Sangh of USA. On the website, all the registration forms are available to sign up for the different classes being offered such as:
Starting Feb 1st, Yog Classes (First come first serve with a max of 50 Vaishnav). See Yog classes.
Starting Feb 1st, Kirtan Class (First come first serve with a max of 100 Vaishnav). See Kirtan classes.
Please, sign early and reserve your spot to get enrolled in the respective classes.
Kishore classes for age 8-12 years will start soon and information wil be available on website for registeration.
Vaishnav Sangh of USA would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers helping with the write-up and graphics of the newsletter.
Topic: Yog Parichay
Date: Sunday December 6th, 2020
Time: 11:30 AM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https:us02web.zoom.us/j/3475501532
Meeting ID: 347 550 1532 Password: 06
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
Topic: Seva Shringar Shibir-Part 7
Date: Sunday December 13th, 2020
Time: 12:30 PM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https:us02web.zoom.us/j/82494352231
Meeting ID: 824 9435 2231 Password: 13
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
Topic: Gokulnathi VadhaI- Dhol pad, Kirtan and Nand Mahotsav
Date: Saturday December 19th, 2020
Time: 9:00 PM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https:us02web.zoom.us/j/87180134960
Meeting ID: 871 8013 4960 Password: 19
Phone No: (301) 715-8592