JJ Shri Message
બધાજ વૈષ્ણવોને ભગવદ સ્મરણ
પુષ્ષ્િજીવનુું મુખ્ય કર્તવ્ય
પુષ્ષ્િજીવ માિેના કર્તવ્યમાું સાર્ મુખ્ય બાબર્ોનો સમાવેશ થાય છે.
૧. શ્રીવલ્નભ પ્રભુનુું સ્વરુપ સૌથી પ્રથમ જાણવુું. શ્રીવલ્નભની કૃપા
સસવાય સ્વરુપ જાણવા મળતુું નથી.
૨. રોજ સવારે ભગવાન સાથે વાણીથી એિલે ગુણગાનયી
સુંબુંધ જોડવો.
૩. ભગવાનનુું યશોદાત્સુંગલાલલર્ સ્વરુપ પઘરાવીને રોજ સ્વગૃહે
‘વ્રજજનની રીર્ અને પ્રીર્” મુજબ સેવા કરવી.
૪. સેવામાું ર્નુજા – સવત્તજા સાધનરુપ છે. પછી ફળરુપ માનસી સેવા સસધ્ધ થાય છે… પહેલાું પોર્ાના ર્ન અને ઘન વડે સાધનરુપ સેવા સસધ્ધ થાય છે. પહેલાું પોર્ાના ર્ન અને ઘન વડે સાધનરુપ સેવા કરવી. પછી ર્ેના ફળ સ્વરુપે માનસી સસધ્ધ થશે.
૫. ર્નુજા – સવત્તજામાું પોર્ાના દેહનો સવચાર ન કરર્ાું ભગવાનના
સુખનો જ સવચાર કરવાનો છે. શ્રીમહાપ્રભુજીએ “અંર્:કરણ પ્રબોધ” ગ્રુંથમાું આજ્ઞા કરેલ છે કૅ જીવ ચાુંડાલ જેવો છે છર્ાું ભગવાનની શરણાગસર્ પ્રાપ્ર્ થર્ાું ભગવાન ર્ેના દોષો જોર્ા નથી અને કૃપા કરીને પોર્ાનો કરીને સેવા સ્વીકારે છે.
૬. સેવા ઉત્તમ યજ્ઞ છે. સેવા દરરોજ કરવી જોઇએ. અહીં કરેલી સેવા ગોલોકઘામમાું પ્રભુને પહોંચે છે.
૭. સેવામાું સનવેદન અને સમપતણ કરવાનુું છે. કાયત કરર્ાું પહેલાું સનવેદન કરવુું
અને કાયત પર્ી જાય ત્યારે ર્ે કમત સમપતણ કરવુું. આ રીર્ે સમપતણ કરવાથી
જીવ પુષ્ષ્િસ્થ બને છે અને જીવના બધાું કાયો ભગવદ્દમપ બને છે.
Prabodhini Ekadashi is also known as, Dev Prabodhini or, Hari Prabodhini. Alternatively, this is known as “Dev-Uthi” Ekadashi or, “Dev-utthan” Ekadashi or, “chhoti Diwali”. This day marks the end of the four-month period of “Chaatur-Maas”. Kartik Shukla (Sud) Ekadashi is celebrated as Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi. Prabodh meaning, “To wake up” or, “To praise”. An Asur called, Shankhasur captured earth and Dev-lok and defeated all Devtas to force them out from their respective lok. Thereafter he went to Brahm-Lok with an intention to capture Ved because it is the core of the power for all Devtas. Since at that time, Thakorji was in Shayan due to ongoing “Chaatur-Maas”, hence all the Adhi-Daivik swaroop of Ved hid themselves by merging into the Kshirsagar. Thus, although Asur reached to Brahm-Lok to gain control of Ved; he failed in his objective. Without the power of Ved however, all Devta became power-less. Thus, Devta left with no option and came to Thakorji to seek help. They started Stuti of Thakorji which eventually made Thakorji happy and appeared in front of them. Thakorji suggested all Devta to observe the Vrat from Ashwin Shukla Ekadashi to Kartik Shukla Ekadashi, and, also promised them to kill Shankhasur. Since all Devta came to Thakorji to protect them from shankhasur and woke Thakorji up; this day is known as Prabodhini-Ekadashi. Hence, the day of all Devta begins from Prabodhini. This Utsav is also celebrated for three major Leela of Thakorji. These are; (A) Thakorji’s marriage to Goddess Tulsiji (B) Thakorji’s Govardhan Leela and (C) Thakorji’s promise to protect Bali Raja Tulsiji, also known as Vrinda, due to her intense “Tap”, dedication and devotion on the banks of Yamunaji, that entire area became known as “Vrindavan”. Though her karmas had destined her to marry to an Asur; the “Fal” acquired by her “Tap” eventually blessed her to marry Thakorji. Thakorji in form of Shaligram, married Tulsi on Prabodhini Ekadashi. Tulsi is the symbol of spiritual purity (Satvik). Vivah of Tulsi with Krishna means that Thakorji likes purity as a quality. Thakorji wears necklace of Vaijayanti beads (i.e., Ram Tulsi), which symbolizes this bhav. Prabodhini Ekadashi is celebrated by re-enacting the marriage between Thakorji, in form a Shaligramji and Goddess Tulsiji. Tulsi personifies Bhakti. Hence whenever Atma-Nivedan is done or, in Nitya Seva; Tulsiji is offered at the Charnarvind of Thakorji, it is with a bhav that Bhakt requests to occupy place in Charan-Kamal of Thakorji. Thakorji accepts anything that is offered by Bhakt, as long it is graced by placing a Tulsi Patra on it. During Govardhan Leela, Krishna had lifted Govardhan to protect Vraj from the childish rage of Indra on Labh Panchami. While on Prabodhini Ekadashi, the rains ceased and Krishna had restored Govardhan to its original place and, Indra had come in Sharan of Thakorji to seek forgiveness for his “Ahankar” In Haveli, on this day, a “Mandap” of sugarcane is erected in the Dol-tibari, where the marriage of the Shaligramji, with Tulsiji is celebrated. Abhyang snan is done in the morning while Panchamrut snan of Shaligramji is performed at the time of Vivah. In Bhog Samagri, from today’s shayan bhog; again “Ringan” shak is offered in the Bhog. From today, Rajaai, Gaddal, Angithi, etc comes in Thakorji’s seva.
Seva Shringar Shibir Part-5: Oct 10th , 2020
Thada Swaroop all Vastra and Shringar based on Season , Utsav,
Gurughar pranali
Thada Swaroop Shringar can be done 2 ways : Rit & Viprit
On Thada Swaroop should do Anjan (अंजन) as well alnkar (अलंकार)
Need to prepare (BATIYO) lagav ready before shringar to thakorji.
Thada Swaroop vastra parichay:
Suthan , Shri aang kotha vastra, Choli-Gherdar Vastra, Chakdar Vastra, Kachni, Pichoda
Sehra-Dumal, (Jadav na prakar), Shish phul, loom-(Rooperi/ Soneri), Sadi mala/choki mala/padak/Haas-Traval /Kati pech/Jodi/Noopur/Alkavali Lar(लर):single Lar-Double Lar/ Topi
The most important : In Pushtimarg As Per your “GURUJI AGYA” vaishnav should do Seva with their “ Sevya Swaroop” !!
Access all Shibir and Vachnamrut on you tube channel: Vaishnav Sangh of USA
Rasotsav: Oct 30th, 2020
With the blessings of Pujya pad Goswami 108 Shri Dwarkeshlalji (Kadi-Ahmedabad) Founder & Inspire of *VAISHNAV SANGH OF USA *
The collective goal is to unifying Vaishnavas within the USA ; to promote & nurture, Suddha Pushtimargiya Sanskar among Vaishnavas, VAUSA Celebrated *
on the auspicious day of the Sharad Purnima ; Ashwin Shukla-15, Friday , October 30th, ,2020
As per Pushti Bhakti Bhav bhavna, Sharad purnima Utsav is known as “ Utsav of Shri Krishna Leela”, here there is expression ( प्रागट्य )of “Madhurya” Bhav. This madhur bhakti upasana for adhikari jeevas. This Kripa achieved through only grace of Shri Vallabh & Shri Thakorji.
This Utsav of bhav of Gopijana who are void of any efforts ( साधन ) & of Shri Krishnas characteristics of reward giving (फल) without consideration of any efforts ( साधना).

SARVOTTAM Stotra Parichay: Oct 25th, 2020
Shri Sarvottam Strota is,” Shrimad Acharyacharan Shri Vallabh’s 108 Divya Naam (Divine Names) , Divya Swaroop (Divine Form), & Divya Guun (Divine Qualities) that his Son Shri Gusayji Felt and described!
Shri Servottam Strota is called as ;,” Shri Mahaprabhuji Vangmay Swaroop”, which is known as ( सर्वदा, सर्वथी अने सर्वत्र श्रेशष्ट ग्रंथ)
For Pushtimargiya Vaishnavas.!
Shri Servottam Strota known as “ Pushtimargiya Vaishnav’ “GAAYATRI””
The Gaayatri has three “PADH”, Similarly,
Shri Servottam Strota has three (3) names. ANAND, PARMANAND & KRISHNASYAM.
Shri Servottam Strota is “Namatmak Swaroop” of Shri Vallabh.
Shri Servottam Strota is Shri Thakorji’s ,
Sayogatmak ( Communion) & Viprayogatmak ( Pain of parting) Lila Swaroop.
Sarvottam Strota is Tritayatmak ( त्रीतायात्मक) Swaroop of shri vallabh;
1. Bhavatmak. Swaroop
2. Rasatmak Swaroop &
3. Vihratmak Swaroop.
First 6 stanzas highlights greatness of Shri Servottam Strota “ respected ShriGusayaji explains inthe lordswaroop.
Shri Sarvottam Strota in Nut- Shell”
“ SHRI” means Swaminiji Shri Radhaji”, -Sarvottam means The BEST, the absolute full of all the fullest”, Strota means Verses, the Treatise.
Topic: Seva Shringar Shibir-Part 6
Date: Sunday, November 8th, 2020
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82458094039
Meeting ID: 82458094039 Password: 8
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
Topic: Sarvottam Stotra
Date: Sunday November 22nd, 2020
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85863331481
Meeting ID: 858 6333 1481 Password: 30
Phone No: (301) 715-8592

Ramesh G. Sheth
We are glad to be part of the Vaishnav Sangh.
Ramesh G. Sheth
Jai Shri Krishna. JJShri has blessings to this Vaishnav organization. We Shrinathji bless our Pushti marg Vaishnav Sangh.
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