JJ Shri Message
સર્વે ર્વૈષ્ણર્વ ને ભગર્વદ સ્મરણ
ભક્તિ રસના અધિકારી કોણ?
પુષ્ષ્િ માગગ રસાત્મક છે, િે રસ ને રહેર્વા માિે આિાર-પાત્ર જોઈએ. િે આિાર એિલે પુષ્ષ્િમાગીય ગુણો. સેર્વા , સ્મરણ, આચારધર્વચાર, સત્ય વ્યર્વહાર, ધનરભભમાન પણુું, કામક્રોિાદદ દોષોથી રદહિ ર્વગેરે ગુણો જેનામાું હોય િેજ ભક્તિરસ પ્રાપ્િ કરી શકે. ઇષ્રિયોમાું કરેલી લહેર એ જીર્વનનુું ઝહેર છે અને ઇષ્રિયોમાું જો અપને ધનગ્રહ કરી લીિો િો એ ઈશ્વરનો અનુગ્રહ છે.
જયાું ઇંદિયોની લહેર નથી ત્યાું ઈશ્વરની મહેર છે. જેમની પાસે જ્ઞાન અને ર્વૈરાગ્યનુું બળ છે અને જેઓ ભગર્વાન શ્રીર્વસુદેર્વના ચરણોમાું ભક્તિભાર્વ રાખે છે િેમના માિે આ
Utsav of Snan Yatra is celebrated on the auspicious day of Jeth Sud Poonam during Jyeshtha Nakshatra. This year, this Utsav will be celebrated on June 24, 2021. This Utsav is also known as Jyestha-abhishek. This Utsav is also known as “Vedokta” Utsav hence also known as Parvanik Utsav. In Pushti Marg, we celebrate several Utsav that are Nakshatra based Utsav during the year. Major examples include, Rath Yatra during Pushya Nakshatra, Snan Yatra during Jyestha Nakshatra, Chandan Uphaar during Rohini Nakshatra, Dol Utsav during Uttar Falgun Nakshatra, etc. There are many Pushti Bhavana for this Utsav. One of the Pushti Bhavna of Snan Yatra is that Vraj Bhakts are the “Jyestha” Bhakts of Thakorji. “Jyeshtha” Bhakt meaning, Thakorji’s main, prime Bhakts. Due to this, Thakorji fulfils all Manorath of these Vraj Bhakts. Due to the Ushna Kaal, Vraj Bhakts have the manorath of having “Jal Krida” with Thakorji in the Jal of Shri Yamunaji. This manorath took place on Jyestha Poonam and thus, this Utsav is celebrated on this day.
Thakorji surrenders completely to all HIS Bhakts including these “Jyestha” Bhakts – Vraj Bhakts and therefore, this Utsav is also known as Jyestha Abhishek. in Pushti Bhav Bhavana, hence during this entire month, Gungaan and “Pad” of Yamunaji are sung and also, “Jal Vihar” Manorath of Thakorji is done. Another Bhavana of this Utsav is on this day Nandrai ji did the “Rajya-Abhishek” of Thakorji. When Nand-bawa thought that now Krishna is turning old enough to assume responsibilities of Vraj and therefore, he invited his Kul-Guru, GargAcahrya ji to plan Krishna’s Rajya-Abhishek on the auspicious day of Jeth Sud Poonam. On this day, before sunrise Krishna adorned with white Dhoti and Uparna, and seated on Singhasan. Garg-Acharya did Krishna’s Rajya-Abhishek with the water of holy rivers and, mantra of purush sukta was chanted by Rushimunis. This Abhishek is done during the Jyesth nakshatra hence this Utsav is known as Jyeshta – Abhishek. By witnessing Krishna’s Rajya-Abhishek, all Vraj Bhakt became extremely happy and offered this Rasatmak Thakorji, season’s most luscious and juicy, Madhur fruit – Mangoes. Hence on this day even today, at Nathdwara 125,000 mangoes (Keri Manorath) are offered to Thakorji. On this day, Thakorji became “Vraj Raaj” that is; Yuvraj of Vraj. Earlier to this day, Thakorji was called “Vraj Raaj Sut” but now Thakorji assumed the title of “The king of Vraj”. On Snan Yatra day, Gusaiji had composed Aap Shri’s first “Pad” while doing the darshan of Thakorji during Rajbhog Darshan. This Kirtan / Pad is “Vraj Raaj Virajit Ghosh Vare, Varaniya Manohar Roop Dhare…”. Snan Yatra is celebrated to depict Thakorji’s Leela such as Jal Krida and Naav Krida. However, Thakorji’s Leela is impossible without the presence of Yamunaji. Therefore, Adhivasan is performed on previous day so as Yamunaji arrives there in HER Adhi-daivik form and, Thakorji has Jal-Krida in that Adhidaivik Yamunaji on the day of Snan Yatra. A day before Snan Yatra which is, Jyeshtha Sud 14; a special Seva Pranalika (seva routine) is observed, to do the Adhivasan of Jal through which Thakorji can be offered Snan during Jyestha Nakshatra on Snan Yatra day. This Jal is made pure and pious by doing the Adhivasan, so that Prarur-bhav of Adhi-Daivik Yamunaji occurs in that Jal and then, this Jal assumes the sanctity and becomes suitable to offer Snan to Thakorji during Jyeshtha Nakshtra in the morning of Snan Yatra day. Hence the previous day is also known as “’Jal-yatra” because on this day, the divine water is fetched from various holy rivers and Tirth for the purpose of Adhivasan. Adhivasan is a Vedic procedure in which Poojan is done with flowers, vermillon, etc and by this procedure, the water is rendered pure and suitable to make use for Thakorji. Adhivasan is done immediately after Shayan bhog and during that; flowers like Kadamb, Lotus, Rose Petals, Juhi, Raivel, Mogra, Tulsi, Nivera etc 8 types of flowers are mixed in Yamuna Jal. Other materials like Chandan, Rose water etc is also mixed in this Jal. On Snan Yatra day, Thakorji wakes up early in morning. During Mangala, “Shri Yamuna-Ashtapadi” by Gusaiji is specially sung. This describes a secret message of Thakorji through Gopi for Swaminiji to join HIM at Yamuna river. After Mangala Aarti, Thakorji is offered white Dhoti, Uparna with chandani border, light Pearl ornaments and nothing to be donned on the Shri Mastak. Then, Gadya mantra and Tulsiji is offered to Thakorji and then Snan is done. During Snan, recitation of “Purush Sukta” is done. On Snan Yatra day, for entire day; SATHUA (SATHVA) in Bhog is a MUST.
Mahaprabhuji Prakatya Gungaan-05/09/2021
With a great fanfare, Vaishnav Sangh of USA celebrated Mahaprabhuji Prakatya Diwas Gungaan with JJ Shri vachnamrut and kirtan and dholpad by Kirtankar Krishnadas Nayak and Vrund. This also marked the 1st year anniversary of Vaishnav Sangh of USA and all the coordinators of different activities such as Baal Pushti, Kishore Pushti, Yog and Kirtan gave the overview of the program and how Vaishnavas are supporting the activities and most importantly all vaishnav from children to adults are extremely happy to be part of. We have started the registration for classes starting from September 2021. So, it is not too late to register your child and yourself and be part of the Sangh.
You can watch the entire video on the media page.
શ્રીજીની સામગ્રી
ઇરિસા (અનારસો)
સામગ્રી: ૨ વાટકી ચોખાનો લોટ, ક્ષ (પા) વાટકી ગોળ, અડધી વાટકી ખસખસ, તળવા માટે ઘી અથવા તેલ.
રીિ: ગોળને ધીમા તાપે ગરમ કરવો. ગરમ કરી પાતળો કરવાનો છે, પોચો કરવાનો નથી. જરૂર પડે તો એક ચમચો જળ પધરાવવું . ગોળ ઓગળી જાય અને પાતળો થાય એટલે નીચ ઉતારી લેવો. તેમાું ચોખાનો લોટ કરી, બરોબર હલાવી કઠણ લોટ બાુંધી લેવો. આ બાુંધેલો લોટ બે દિવસ ઢાુંકી રાખવો.
બે દિવસ પછી લોટને બરોબર મસળી તેના લ વા પાડવા. આડણી પર પ્લાસ્ટટક લગાડવું . અટામણ તરીકે ખસખસ લ વાની ઉતરતી બાજ લગાવીને પ રી વણી લેવી. નીચે પ્લાસ્ટટક હોવાથી ખસખસન ું અટામણ લેવાની જર ર નથી. બધા લ વા લું બગોળ આકારમાું વણી લેવા.
ઘી અથવા તેલ ગરમ કરવું . તેમાું મધ્યમ તાપે બધા ઇન્દ્રસા તળી લેવા. ખસખસવાળો ભાગ ઉપર રહે તે રીતે તળવા. ચારથી વધારે એક સાથે મુકર્વા નદહ. િળાઈને ઉપર આર્વે કે િરિજ કાઢી લેર્વા. ફેરર્વર્વાની જરૂર નથી. ઠુંડા થયે શ્રી પ્રભુને િરાર્વર્વા.
Topic: Seva Shringar Shibir Part 9
Date: Sunday, June 6th, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89093902921?
Meeting ID: 890 9390 2921 Password: 06
Topic: TBD
Date: Sunday, June 13th, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88126166977?
Meeting ID: 853 6259 7215 Password: 09
Topic: Shri Vallabh ane 24 Avatar
Date: Saturday, June 26th, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://uso2web.zoom.us/j/85863331481?
Meeting ID: 858 6333 1481 Password: 30
With the blessing of JJ Shri, Vaishnav Sangh of USA has started a FREE MEMBERSHIP campaign, so we urge you to visit the website and fill out the Vaishnav Membership Form. There are several benefits listed on the website to be a member and everyone who becomes a member will be issued ID card at the later date and will be your passport to all the activities organized by Vaishnav Sangh of USA.
Fill out the membership form here.