
JJ Shri Message
સર્વે ર્વૈષ્ણર્વોને ભગર્વદ સ્મરણ
તિલકનો ભાર્વ
કદાચ ભારિ તસર્વાય બીજે ક્ાાંપણ મસ્િક તિલક કે ચાાંદલો કરર્વાની પ્રથા નથી, આ પ્રથા અત્યાંિ પ્રાચીન છે. આ તિલક કે ચાાંદલાન ાં અલૌકકક, મનોર્વૈજ્ઞાતનક અને ર્વૈજ્ઞાતનક િથ્યોની દ્રષ્ષ્િએ ઘણ ાં મહત્ર્વ છે. એર્વી માન્યિા છે કે મસ્િકના મધ્યમાાં તર્વષ્ણ ભગર્વાનનો ર્વાસ છે આથી તિલક એ સ્થાન પર કરર્વામાાં આર્વે છે.
તિલક કે ચાાંલ્લો કરર્વાથી ઉિેજના, ક્રોધ પર અંક શ રહે છે. ર્વૈષ્ણર્વના કપાળ પર તિલક અથર્વા ક મક મ પ્રતિક કે સાંકેિ છે િેને ધારણ કરનાર જીર્વે પોિાની જાિને પ્રભ ના ચારણકમલમાાં સમતપિિ કરી દીધી છે.
તિલક ન ાં “U ” તનશાન ખરેખર શ્રીકૃષ્ણના ચરણકમળની રૂપરેખા સમાન છે. મસ્િકએ શરીરનો સૌથી ર્વધ ઉંચ્ચો ભાગ છે, િેથી શ્રીકૃષ્ણ ભક્િના જીર્વનમાાં સર્વોચ્ચ સ્થાન ધરાર્વે છે.
Vaishnav Sangh of USA is extremely happy and proud to have introduce variety of classes for childrenand adults alike. Since VSUSA inception we have stared Baal Pushti, Kishore Pushti, Yog Vidyapeeth and Kirtan Vidyapeethand now we are starting FREE once a month BaalKishorVaishnav Sangeet Classes for ages 6 to 14 years of age. Vaishnav Sangh of USA is truly a vaishnav Academy where goal is to provide pure Pushtimargknowledge to everyoneto help them understand and enjoy Thakorji nitya seva.
Registration is open, so please our classes here and register for a variety of classes offered. Also register for various social media available for more updated information such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and website. Please join us together hoist Pushtimargflag throughout USA and World.
Phagun sud poonam is celebrated as HOLI (This year, it falls on March 28, 2021) while Phagun vad Ekam is Dhuleti; which is celebrated in Pushti Marg as DOL Utsav i.e., Dolotsav. Dolotsav is “Maha – Mahotsav” in Pushtimarg, meaning the peak (pinnacle) of the excitement of this utsav. This Maha-Mahotsav marks the end of the special seva routine of Shri Swaminiji – Shri Chandravaliji. Since these three months were done with the Bhav of Chandravaliji, the seva kram ends with Dolotsav, which is also known as Chandravaliji’s Pradhanotsav i.e., the main Utsav of Shri Chandravaliji This Maha-Mahotsav is celebrated when Uttar Falgun Nakshatra is nearest to the Sun, on such day “DOL” is celebrated. If this Nakshatra rises on Poonam, then Dolotsav is celebrated on Poonam.
Dolotsav is a very secret divine sport of Thakorji. “DOL” means the large swing made from creepers (Lata), flowers, leaves, etc.; at different places i.e., Shri Girirajji, Nandalay, Yamuna Pulin etc. In Pushti Bhav, on such “DOL”, Thakorji and Swaminiji swings together while other Gopis sprinkles colored water, Abir – Gulal etc. in powdered form on the Yugal swaroop and amongst each other. Thakorji enjoys “DOL” with Swaminiji at Nikunj with Madhurya Bhav (Shringar Ras).
On this day, Thakorji plays Hori with all 4 types of Bhakt such as Nirgun, Sato (Satvik), Rajo (Rajas) and Tamo (Tamas) Gun Bhakt. With the bhav of Putra and Pati, Vrajbhakt prays to Krishna that all the divine samagris are only for the happiness and enjoyment of Krishna. In this way, Thakorji (Krishna) accepts these things in form of “DOL” and swings in the heart of Bhakt. Thus “DOL” is created to announce that Thakorji always swings in the heart of all types of the Bhakt. Hence one of the names of Thakorji is “Bhakt Purakay Namah” i.e., the one who satisfies the divine desires of all Bhakt. This is the reason why, knowing such types of desires of Bhakt, Thakorji performs the divine Leela of “DOL” at four places. • “DOL” at Govardhan (Vrindavan) • “DOL” at Kunj • “DOL” at Gokul (Nandalay) • “DOL” at Yamuna Pulin Dolotsav is a Raas Leela and thus took place at Shri Girirajji etc. Similarly, Yashodaji with the Vatsalya Ras, constructs an incredibly beautiful “DOL” with the help of 16 thousand Agni Kumarikas who are staying at Nandalay. Also, other Swaminijis like Lalitaji, Chandravaliji, etc. are called at Nandalay and Yashodaji orders them to make Thakorji swing in “DOL”. Thus, with the external bhav of Innocence and inner bhav of Madhurya, Thakorji and Swaminiji enjoys “DOL” at Gokul. Yashodaji also orders them to make Krishna play so much that HE gets fed up playing Hori and thus this Utsav marks the end of Vasant (end of Sakhya Bhav and restart of Dasya Bhav from the following day).
Seva Shringar Shibir Part-9: Jan 17, 2021
On January 17th, Sunday with the blessings of Founder and Inspirer P.P.108 Shri Dwarkeshlalji Mahodayshri, Mayurbhai from Nairobi once again conducted Seva Shringar Shibir with the starting of Vasantrutu, explained the difference in Shringar. Vasantrutu basically is for 40 days and for first 10 days of Vasantrutu, thick vastra of white malmal (cotton) color with red border are needed for Thakorji, Khidki ni Paag (2 color) and Gold jewelry with minakari (Minakari means red and green color in gold jewelry) and after 10 days, Chhant (છ ાંટ) vastra Thakorji will angikar (અંગીક ર) in different color. During all fourty days for mastak Shringar, Vastra ni છોડand vastrana tipara.
Over 200 vaishnav joined the Shibir and learned Seva Shringar for Lalan and JJ Shri also applauded the efforts by Mayurbhai for teaching and showing how the Shringar is done for Thakorji in the right way.
શ્રીજીની સામગ્રી
સામગ્રી: ૧૦૦ ગ્ર મ મગની દ ળ, ૨૫ ગ્ર મ બદ મ(Almobnds), ૨૫ ગ્ર મ પીસ્ત (Pistachio), તજ(Cinnamon), લવ િંગ(Cloves), જાયફળ(Nutmeg), જા ાંત્રી(Mace), પીપરીમૂળ સૂાંઠ(Dried Ginger)- બધ તેજન પ ાંચ પ ાંચ ગ્ર મ, ૪૦૦ ગ્ર મ ખ ાંડ(Sugar), ૫૦ ગ્ર મ મ ો, ૨૦૦ ગ્ર મ ઘી(Ghee), ચ ાંદીન રખ(Silver Foil) અથ બદ મ પીસ્ત ની ક તરી(Almond-Pistachio Slices)
રીિ: મગની દ ળ પલ ળ ી. બ રીક ટ ી, પછી એને ઘીમ ાં શેક ી. બદ મી રાંગ થ ય તય ાં સુધી શેક ી. શેકેલી દ ળમ ાં બદ મ-પીસ્ત નો ભૂકો પધર ો. મ ો પણ શેકીને પધર ો. તય રબ દ બધ તેજન બ રીક ભુક કરી પધર . ખ ાંડની ચ સણી મોહનથ ળ જે ી કર ી. બધુાં વમશ્રણ એમ ાં પધર ી, હલ ીને બર બર મીક્સ કરવુાં. ઠાંડુ થયે થ ળીમ ાં ઘી લગ ડી ઠ રી દેવુાં. ઉપર બદ મ પીસ્ત ની ક તરી અથ રખ લગ ડ . ટુક કરી શ્રીપ્રભુને ધર .
Topic: Rasiya by Kirtankar Rasesh Shah & Vrund
Date: Sunday, March 7th, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://uso2web.zoom.us/j/83145167470
Meeting ID: 831 4516 7470 Password: 07
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
Topic: Rasiya by Kirtankar Krishnadas and Vrund
Date: Sunday, March 14th, 2021
Time: 12:30 PM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://uso2web.zoom.us/j/87279126495
Meeting ID: 872 7912 6495 Password: 14
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
Topic: Rasiya – Vrindavan Radhe Shyam Fulphag
By Omkarsharmaji and Vrindavan Group
Date: Sunday, March 21st, 2021
Time: 12:30 PM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://uso2web.zoom.us/j/87279126495
Meeting ID: 872 7912 6495 Password: 14
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
Topic: Rasiya by Kirtankar Rasesh Shah & Vrund
Date: Sunday, March 28th, 2021
Time: 12:30 PM EST (USA & CANADA Time)
Zoom link: https://uso2web.zoom.us/j/87279126495
Meeting ID: 872 7912 6495 Password: 14
Phone No: (301) 715-8592
