October 2020 Newsletter

JJ Shri Message

 બધાજ વૈષ્ણવોને ભગવદ સ્મરણ. 

શ્રી મહાપ્રભુજી કહે છે કે જીવોએ પ્રતેયક આપત્તિ અને સંપત્તિ બંનેમાં કેવળ અને કેવળ પ્રભુ શ્રી કૃષ્ણના દ્રઢ ચરણનો આશ્રય રાખવો જોઈએ. 

આ સવવ ત્તવવેચન ત્તવચારતા એમ ફલિત કરાય કે પુષ્ષ્િમાગવ એિિે શ્રી પ્રભુની કૃપાનો માગવ છે, અને પ્રભુની કૃપા પામવા માિે શ્રી મહાપ્રભુજીએ ગ્રહ સેવા અને ગ્રહમાં લબરાજતા શ્રી ઠાકોરજીની સેવા પાર વધુ ભાર મુક્યો છે. 

વૈષ્ણવોની બ્રહ્મસંબંધી એક માત્ર ફરજ દૈન્ય ભાવે ભગવદ્સેવા કરવાની છે. શ્રી હરરરાય મહાપ્રભુજી કહે છે જે પુષ્ષ્િમાગવમાં સાધનનું બળ શ્રી ઠાકોરજીની પ્રાપ્તત છે, પરંતુ િૌરકક સાધન એ પુષ્ષ્િજીવોને પ્રભુકૃપા એન્ડ પ્રભુ પ્રાપ્તત કરવામાં પ્રત્તતબંધ બને છે. ચરણ|દત્તવન્દમાં દ્રઢ આશ્રય અને મહાપ્રભુજીનાં અધરામૃત રુપીતેમના વચનામૃતથી કૃપા પ્રાતત થાય છે માિે સદૈવ શ્રી ઠાકોરજી, શ્રી વલ્િભ અને શ્રી વલ્િભકુિ પાર પોતાનો ત્તવશ્વાસ રાખવાનો. 

શ્રી હરરરાય મહાપ્રભુજી પુષ્ષ્િજીવોને આજ્ઞા આપતા કહે છે કે ત્તિર મહાપ્રભુજીમાં ત્તવશ્વાસ બનાવી રાખવો અને સતત એમના રિણ દ્વારા તેમને મન, લચિ અને હૃદયમાં ધારણ કરી રાખવા, તેમજ અષ્િાક્ષર મંત્રનું સદાયે સેવન કરવું અને મનન કરવું. શ્રી મહાપ્રભુજી િક્તતરૂપ હોવાને કારણે તેમની કૃપા કરવાની એન્ડ િક્તતમાં વૈષ્ણવ જીવો અને પુત્તિિંતજીવોએ સંપૂણવ ત્તવશ્વાસ રાખવો. 

 Sharad Poornima For Pushtimarg 

 Ashwin Shukla (Aso Sud) Poonam is Sharad Poornima which is also known as Raas Mahotsav. This day is the Mahotsav of Maha-Raas. This Pushtimargiya Mahotsav is the Utsav of Thakorji’s Leela, like all other Leela. Adhyatmik meaning of Leela is, through which Thakorji attracts “Chitt” of the Jeev and make Chitt of the Jeev very “Ardrit”. Raas Leela is the one that kills Loukik “Kaam” which is removal of Vishay-Anand, eliminates BrahmAnand and provides a Maha Daan of Bhajan-Anand. In Shrimad Bhagwat, Raas Leela is described in Tamas Fal Prakaran of the tenth skandh (Nirodh Leela). When through Shuddha Pushti Bhakti, bhakt acquires Nirodh avastha then, this Bhakti becomes Falatmak and thus provides Anubhuti of Thakorji’s Ras Rasatmak, Prem-atmak swaroop. This is Bhajan-Anand or, Swaroop-Anand, that acquires through this Maha Raas Leela. Thakorji does the Ras Leela with his Anand-atmika Shakti at Vrundavan of Golok. 

 Sharad Poornima For Pushtimarg (Contd…) 

 This Leela is infinite and Anant. Raas Leela is the expression (Pragatya) of Madhurya bhav. This is the Maha-Utsav of Falatmak Swaroopa Bhakti of the Nih-Sadhan Gopi Bhav. This is Thakorji’s Dharmi Swaroop’s Vipra Yog Leela, due to which Thakorji’s Rasatmak swaroop Pragatya occurred during this Leela. All Jeev are not, Adhikari of this Madhur Bhakti Upasana. Because this is not Sadhan sadhya, but it is Krupa sadhya that is, achieved only through the Krupa of Thakorji and Yamunaji on Adhikari Jeev. Sharad Poornima has one more aspect as well. Jeev-atma are ansh of Thakorji. Thakorji thus resides as Ansh in the Atma of all Jeev-atma. Utsav of Raas is the “Raman” between this Jeev’s Atma and Thakorji (Param-atma). While Shringar (Madhurya) is just the Bhav / language-expression of this Raman. Thus, Raas Leela is the demonstration of this “Atma-Rati” Thakorji has planned this Leela in Sharad Rutu because during this Rutu, environment, water, etc. are nirmal and extremely clean, pure. This Rutu is symbolic of “Niramalata”. Moreover, Maha Raas took place on the midnight of Sharad Poornima, where Moon is closest, Nirmal and Sheetal. This aloukik one night lasted for the “Shad Rutu” of this lok. During this Leela, Thakorji has done Venu-Naad to invite Gopijan, this was on Aso sud 9, followed by Laghu Raas on Aso sud 11 wherein a swaroop of Krishna in form of Madan Mohanji played with each Gopi (1 Gopi, 1 Krishna). While the Maha Raas occurred in Aso Sud 15 (Sharad Poornima) wherein Thakorji in form of Gokul Chandramaji played with Gopi on each side (2 Gopi and in center 1 Krishna). During Maha Raas Leela, hundreds group of such 8 pairs (2 Gopi, 1 Krishna) had acquired Fal-atmak swaroop Daan of Thakorji. There are many aloukik Bhav behind this pairing in which one of them is, 8 pair signify Jeev’s 5 Gyanendirya, Man, Buddhi and Chitt. When all these 8 tatva are associated with Thakorji through both Sanyog-Atmak and Viprayog-Atmak avastha (Bhav of 2 Gopis), Pushti Bhakti becomes “Falibhut”. In fact, during Raas Leela, Thakorji takes multiple forms (swaroop) to fulfill Aloukik manorath of each Gopi Bhav of the Vraj-jan. As a symbol of Nirmal Bhav, Thakorji adorns all saaj, Thada Vastra, vastra etc. in white excepting wearing Red Pitambar. All Thakorji’s Shringar including Shri Mastak’s Shringar also comes in white that is made of Diamond. Main Samagri for Thakorji is also Dudh Poha besides other Mahaotsav’s Bhog on this day. 

Sodas Granth Parichay: August 30th, 2020 

JJ shri gave a discourse on Sodas Granth and explained the importance sodas granth for Pushtimarg and for Vaishnav. 

Shri Vallbhacharyaji Faith is known as, PUSHTI BHKTI MARG. 

Central message of Sodash Granth is “Total Surrender to the Lord Shri Krishna”. Here Pushti jiv only nurtured by the Thakorji grace !! 

In Pushti Bhakti Marg, Sodash Granth is called ”Vallabh Geeta”, where shri Vallabhacharya had covered all the main aspects of Pushtimarg & provides guidance and classification of principles of Pushti Bhakti Marg. 

All sixteen Granth, is step of another Granth which tells the stage of Pushti-Jiv, ( where they stand and what they need ). All sixteen Granth have same conclusion and one result : 

“ Krishna Seva Sada Karya”! 

JJ shri gave one shloka to remember all sixteen Granths in order, 

यमुना बाल मुकताश्य, पुष्टि सिद्ाांत नवरत्नमम! 

वववेक कृटण: चतु:भष्तत, जप िन्यानन िेवना “ 

Vraj Bhasha Shibir, Part-2: SEPT.27th, 2020

“Brij Bhāshā” & spoken by people defined in the region of BRAJ in North India. JJ shri have mentioned in his vachnamrut; *Vraj Bhāshā *means : “ Shree Prabhu ki Bhasha, (Jis se shree Prabhu Rij jaye” )! 

In this session we have been introduced to; “Vrajbhahsa parichay”, ( Practical use of language in daily Seva ) starting from Mangla to Shayan seva kram. 

Pankajbhai also spoke about Vyavhar Mai Vrajbhasha Samvad meaning in daily lifestyle. 

Use of “ O KARANT” in words e.g; 

“प्रभु के जगाईवेको समय होई गयो” 

(where the word 👉यो is -O karant) 

Learned about meaning of Vrajbhasha words in Gujarati language: 

For e.g: Words* ——🌷*Meaning 

देर- अवेर / आड – टेरा, कटोरी – टोकरी / गरम – तातो 

जड़प – बेंगी बेंगी / हो गये- हैगये ! 

Today’s session was more of practical use of Vrajbhasha and getting familiar with language (similar to Hindi), in daily Shree Thakorji Seva . 

Seva Shringar Shibir Part-4: Sept.13th, 2020 

Shree Gusainji prabhu charan introduced Seva-Sringar; as a means of experiencing selfless love for shree Thakorji . Seva of shree Thakorji performed with Bhaav Of the Nandalaya . Jeje Shree has mentioned, Pushtimargiya Vaishnavas are in Seva of Krishna who is “*Sevya manam kala nidhi *“ (Jeh Serve kala na Nidhi che) 

Chitraji Swaroop Sringar Seva Session : 

Introduction to all *vastra of Chitraji swaroop* 

( कोठा वस्त्र, चाकदार, सूथन, पटका, थाडु वस्त्र, धोती उपरना, पीछोडा, परदनी, घेरदार, आड़बंध वस्त्र …..) 

  • Lagav & Topo ( How to use / when to change / every 15 days at the time of Snan) 
  • Snan no prakar 
  • Jodi 

Ada Swaroop – Viprit Sringar ( Sringar start from outside ) 

Sri mastak / (श्री अंग) Sringar 


Topic: Seva Shringar Shibir-Part 5 

Date: Sunday October 10th, 2020 

Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm EST (USA & CANADA Time) 

Zoom link: https:us02web.zoom.us/j/84643674919 

Meeting ID: 81391170584 Password: 11 

Phone No: (301) 715-8592


Topic: Sarvottam Stotra Parichay 

Date: Sunday October 25th, 2020 

Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm EST (USA & CANADA Time) 

Zoom link: https:us02web.zoom.us/j/84643674919 

Meeting ID: 858 6333 1481 Password: 30 

Phone No: (301) 715-8592 

Topic: Pushti Rasotsav 

Date: Friday October 30th, 2020 

Time: 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST (USA & CANADA Time) 

Zoom link: https:us02web.zoom.us/j/84643674919 

Meeting ID: 83588199940 Password: 30 

Phone No: (301) 715-8592 

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